Master Programme: Design for Interaction

Karen designed a new concept for a fitness tracker service, including a mobile application and a smartwatch app.

Balloon Journey towards future-self

Karen Gonzalez Fernandez


Nina designed The Bumpy Road, a platform to support the healthy mental development of adolescents from a holistic perspective.

The bumpy road

Nina Schouten


Martina wanted to improve the shared decision-making process in the cardiology department at Amsterdam UMC by creating a booklet on life-prolonging treatments for patients with advanced heart failure.

Deciding with Heart

Martina Pozzoni


Paul designed an avatar-based puzzle concept to help child patients understand and participate in their clinical tests and test results.

The Brain self portrait

Paul Meulendijks


Petra designed a card game to bring up the topic of menstruation and encourage discussion in Indian families.

Breaking the menstruation taboo

Petra Salarić


Marije aimed to reduce the amount of noise in an intensive care unit (ICU), while taking into account the sound cultures, values and practices that currently exist.

Sound cultures of critical care

Marije Schokkin


Maira designed a mobile application to provide CSN parents with a common language to reflect and share their perspectives on thinking about the future.

Future Journeys: a tool for special need kids’ parents

Maira Ribelles Armell


Henrique designed Atrium, a well-informed digital platform designed to reduce the friction of initiating social interactions between university peers.

Atrium: well-being on digital campus

Henrique Meyrelles


Karin wanted to develop a participatory design process that would enable nurses to improve their own working environment.

DesigNurse: nurses as designers

Karin Tetteroo


Laura designed ICoon, a tool to facilitate more effective and efficient patient handovers in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

The art of handing over

Laura Schrauwen


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