Joris designed a digital environment to help healthcare providers strategically capture patient health data to improve clinical care.
Healthcare systems are struggling to keep costs down while improving out- comes. The concept of value-based healthcare proposes a shift from volume-based care to value-based care, where patient outcomes are measured rather than the volume of care delivered. This would require the longitudinal and systematic measurement and sharing of health data to track outcomes and improve clinical care. However, patients are often concerned and not well informed about the safety of eHealth services. In his thesis, Joris offers an answer to how service providers can strategically obtain patient health data to improve individual and public clinical care.
A total of 6 cardiologists and 7 cardio- vascular patients were interviewed. Patients were willing to share their health data for research if privacy and security were guaranteed. However, they cit- ed a lack of awareness of the value of their health data as a barrier to regular measurement and sharing. The design challenge was to increase adherence to measuring and sharing health data by triggering personal drivers to measure and share health data regularly. Three main triggers were identified: to reassure family and friends, to contribute to the care of others, and to help doctors provide better care.
Joris developed DataDonor, a digital environment that helps healthcare providers to strategically collect patient health data to improve clinical care. By ensuring the secure and anonymous use of patient health data and enabling patients to contribute to their own care while doing good, patients can be motivated to share health data with their providers. In addition, by appealing to personal drivers to measure and share health data, DataDonor provides a solution that meets the needs of the patient, the company and the organisation.