From designing surgical tools to developing roadmaps for the digital healthcare transition: Explore Medisign's latest graduation projects


4 graduation showcases found

Paul designed an avatar-based puzzle concept to help child patients understand and participate in their clinical tests and test results.

The Brain self portrait

Paul Meulendijks


Núria designed SOUNDscapes, a digital platform that maps and localizes sound events occurring at the NICU to help reducing harmful sounds.

Soundscapes: towards a quieter NICU

Núria Viñas Vila


Hanneke proposes a tool to improve communication between patients and specialists in the digital world of 2030.

The consultation of the future

Hanneke van der Velden


Hosana wanted to help families with children with congenital heart defects (CHD) understand the safe limits of exercise and play.

BO: promoting exercise for kids with heart defects

Hosana Morales


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