From designing surgical tools to developing roadmaps for the digital healthcare transition: Explore Medisign's latest graduation projects


18 graduation showcases found

Nina designed The Bumpy Road, a platform to support the healthy mental development of adolescents from a holistic perspective.

The bumpy road

Nina Schouten


Talitha designed the Pentaport, a new gateway for complex endovascular aortic repair that minimizes blood leakage.

Pentaport: gateway for aortic repair

Talitha Brenninkmeyer


Joris designed a digital environment to help healthcare providers strategically capture patient health data to improve clinical care.

Datadonor: crowdsourcing healthcare

Joris Hens


Nitin designed FOXPAT, a reusable training simulator for knee replacement surgery.

Foxpat: Surgery Training Simulator

Nitin Gurram


Petra designed a card game to bring up the topic of menstruation and encourage discussion in Indian families.

Breaking the menstruation taboo

Petra Salarić


Karen designed a new concept for a fitness tracker service, including a mobile application and a smartwatch app.

Balloon Journey towards future-self

Karen Gonzalez Fernandez


Max designed a functional and interactive prototype of an intelligent optical diagnostic for schistosomiasis and created all the necessary software.

Smart Optical Diagnostic of Schistosomiasis (SODOS)

Max Hoeboer


Tim wanted to create a toy for children with physical disabilities that used their special skills to promote inclusion.

Cyborg Nerf Blaster for Disabled Kids

Tim Tietze


Ewoud developed a 3D printed patient-specific ankle-foot orthosis and aimed to investigate the feasibility of integrating it into the manufacturing process.

Personalised Ankle Foot Orthosis

Ewoud Veltmeijer


Dima designed a concept for a novel product for wheelchair users to improve physical activity and sedentary behaviour.

Active wheelchair

Dima Politin


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